Who Am I? 2006-2007 Edition

This riddles game is based on the trilogy of The Lord of the Rings (books and movies), The Hobbit, The Silmarillion and Unfinished Tales. A character has been picked; a short description of it written. Your task is to know who we are talking about.
The answer, believe it or not, is in front of you at the end of each riddle. Of course you'll be required to use your magical knowledge to find it...

I taught my son all I know but his warrior's heart wasn't recognized until far away from home
Who am I?

I am the one with the rosy cheeks
Smiling to many but loving one
One, I had to wait for
Not knowing if he will return
I had thirteen children with him
And we named them after the ones we loved
Who am I?

Darkness is my power
Near the bridge of a mighty tower
All who enter, I ensnare
In the labyrinth of my lair
Who am I?

I am the eldest of those who helped
Those who, in battle, fell
I was the one who really helped
Because I remembered well
An ancient knowledge I remembered
And then some lives were saved
He told me my name was not to forget
From Minas Tirith to the lands where the Sun is set
Who am I?

I came to the aid of my kinsman
Together with him I walked the Paths of the Dead
But I never saw his destiny fulfilled
Nor did I return to the lands of the north
Who am I?

My brother and I were given a challenge
To decide our fates eternally
Though we were kin, we are separated 'til the end
The husband of my brother's daughter is my decendant
Who am I?

I did what no one else could do
To heal the rift between two families that should be one
In the end I fell to shadow and flame
My life taken in unnumbered tears
Who am I?

I am one of five that came to help
Yet by one of them I was lured to betray the other
Some name me a friend of birds, and one named me a fool
Who am I?

I walked with the Fellowship
But I'm not one of the nine
I was the first to leave them
For I got spooked
Before they entered the dark
Who am I?

My star-man fell in love with my beauty but I am nothing compared to my daughter
Happily we lived, protected from evil in a fenced land
But my child married and my husband died and, now,
I'm back to where I really belong
Who am I?

I was a master of letters and music,
My skill in the latter rivaled by one other only
Twice I betrayed the one I loved,
but later I repented and went out to search for her
I did not return
Who am I?

Light were my steps and light was my spirit
When those of my companions were heavy
The greatest friend I found
In the most unlikely of them
Together with him
I made my final journey
Over the sea
Who am I?

My slumbers were disturbed
By the splashing of rocks
Thrown by a sawed-off runt
Seizing another, my limbs were hewn
And I was defeated
But I still crashed down the doorway
And killed the trees
Who am I?

I kept my people together after the death of my father and brother
I became their leader and lead them to a new home
In the lands the Hidden King of the Elves gave us
Strong and proud was I
And my people became known by my name
Who am I?

I do not move as well as some
Yet I served one of the first age's great men
I even befriended his son
When my friend died my lord was set free
I am the faithful one
Who am I?

Together with only two others
I escaped the Orcs who slew my lord
With me I carried the remnants of a sword
Who am I?

From white towers to green fields
And then from fields to ocean shores
I carried one who bore the Ring
T'was he that named me for a king
Who am I?

To aid the sons of FĂ«anor
I came to Middle-earth
And there I fell into a tale
Of great sorrow and of mirth
For two I slew the darkest beast
but poisoned there I lay
Not to know what came of them
Until the End of Days
Who am I?

I started out with one master
But exchanged him for another
I disappeared from history trice
But twice I returned
My final defeat was brought by
In an unlikely fashion
Who am I?

I am one whose duty it is to give advice to the Lord of my home
As the path the despaired would choose I named a decision that was chosen
as the one that should defeat the Dark Lord,
And would have judged it even harsher had not respect forbidden me
Who am I?

My home is a forest that, once great, has fallen to darkness
While my son was away on a desperate quest
I fought for my home
And in the end finally cleansed it from evil
Who am I?

I am concidered a dear gift
Together with the grey cloak,
I had that which is fairest of all
Though the beauty
Which was meant to last forever
Withered not once but twice
Who am I?

I lived my life in peace
Until evil came and took me away
Although I was rescued
My wounds were too much to bear
And I could not stay
I went, not knowing if I would see my children again
For they are given a choice
Between life eternal and mortal death
Who am I?

I am one of two who're similar
Both in name and what brought us to our deaths
Although we died in very different ways and very different times
I died when I was way too young, and I died at the hands of a friend
He didn't kill me because he hated me, we were friends, the reason was another
Who am I?

First to grow to grace and might
I lit the city with my light
With help from me, it all began
And countless eras quickly ran
Unto my passing;
I am no more
My skeleton remains in Valinor;
But my gift can still be seen
I am the giver of the Sheen
Who am I?

Named after a flower
The fairest, star-bright white
I was born to one who knew the way
Through fire and ever-night
But when my mother passed away
He said farewell to me
And I remained to be his heir
Of the gardens and the seed
Who am I?

I was the first of my people to see those that came after us
I gave an oath to one of that people and died keeping it
The pledge I gave him for that oath remained an important token of his family ever after
Who am I?

I am not like the rest of my people
Tall and victorious in battle
It would take years before another
Of my people managed the same
I am named for this deed
And famous among my own for it
Who am I?

Daughter of the water am I
And the lady of the Master
He brings me the flowers I so love
With a song on his lips
Who am I?

I live where the dead rest
I am named for my rememberance of them
I am with them all my life
From I first set my eyes upon the world
Till the day I wither and die
Now can you tell me
Who am I?

Small in size but strong of will
I do not move on my own
Nor do I speak with loud voice
Still I am the Ruling One
Who am I?

I bore several over darkness
And among them the most renowned
Of all the races
From fiery mountains, prison peaks
And raging spirits
I brought them to safety,
After they achieved their goal
To destroy the evil foe
Who am I?

I sail,
Yet not the waters
That I used to sail
I begged for help
And help was given
I am one of the two first people
Ever to make the choice
That my heirs faced after me
I chose differently from the last in my line
Who made a different choice
A choice that led to death, but also life
Who am I?

I am one of the ones who recieved an object of great power
Yet mine I passed on to another who I deemed would be in need of it
I guarded another powerful, yet different item, until I took it with me across the sea
I have passed long years in this world, and it is visible in a way most uncommon for my people
Who am I?

Glory I desired in battle
And though I slew a great enemy
It nearly cost me my life
My body was healed by one I thought I loved
But the shadow on my soul was lifted by another
Who am I?

I was the last of the great ones
And the greatest of my time
I lived with fire
Was buried in water
My shining armour failed
Who am I?

I am a lover of plants and trees
I was content in my home
My eyes set on a beautiful maiden
Yet still I followed another dear one into peril
Not knowing if I would ever return
Who am I?

We are three brothers
Never counted amongst our father's many sons
Still he loved us
For he sacrificed all of them
To save us
Who am I?

At first a servant to the great smith
I soon chose a darker Master
After his downfall I went into exile
Once I returned I became known as the Lord of Gifts
Using the knowledge I had gained
From my first master
Who am I?

Orc's arrow took my husband
Lord Elrond took my hope
Who am I?

I have three sons and one daughter
She married a king shortly after the war had ended
Of my sons little is known
I am not fully either man or elf
Although both heritages are visible in me
Who am I?

In an orb I forsaw my downfall
In a broken horn I recognized the death of one
But I was blind when it came to the other
And did not see until the end
Who am I?

I am one, yet two
Separate, yet together
My mother is a silver queen
She left us all too soon
We spent the years avenging her
I think we managed
I am older than the others
Yet younger than most of my kin
Who am I?

When I was pregnant, they shivered and sighed
"A Took and a Brandybuck, that can't go right"
But I rolled my eyes and I said with all might
"Hush, it will be a most Merry child"
Who am I?

I am trusted by the one
Whose father doesn't trust him
I serve the one who trusts me
I am a secret soldier
I serve in the land of the moon
While serving this man whom I think deserving
But others might scorn
I met two of the great but small
And so did my friend
Who bears the same title as me
Who am I?

Though my heart's made of Fire
It is darkness I spread
I live in the mines
And am slimy when wet
Who am I?

I was born mourning
I forgot and became
A woman of tears
I loved the black one twice unknown
The water did not reveal my end
Who am I?

The dragon's eye took my life
And hid it far within
Blind and mindless ran I then
Un-equated with my kin

Until one found me whom I knew
Before! And yet did not
And so he loved me, lady of tears,
Though he knew not what I sought

Until at last, upon dying breath,
The Dragon revealed to me
That he I loved and followed
Was my brother, dark and free

I left the world in water wild
Where drowned I all my grief
And he, my kin and lover, fair!
There did follow me
Who am I?

Great pain my death did bring
To him by whose own hand I died
It never faded from his face
A lament did he sing
For me, and long stayed by my side
Though storm and danger marked the place
Who am I?

They trew me off a tower
Hating me for what I'd done
But I would have saved their city
If they had let me kill my son
Who am I?

I was second to come, but last to leave
Like my brothers before in pain and grief
We just claimed what was ours, but death we brought
To all those who denied us what we sought
Yes, much wrong did we do, but ne'er got close
And where I disappeared to, no one knows
Who am I?

Three great races are upon the face or Arda
Some have three
Some have seven
And some have nine
My sympathy lies with the seven
I am not one of them, yet I possess the same abilities
For which they are so renowned

I created life,
Yet it was not life when I made it
Against the will of my Master
Yet He took mercy upon me
And thus He hurt the children of my wife
For my people and her people shall always differ
The beam does not love the craftsman who burns it
Yet he needs it to create
As His and mine shall always differ too
The three and the seven are too different
So now I ask, can you guess
Who am I?

I am the youngest of two who share one name
We were born together and died the same
Who am I?

The fiery spirit, calmed by one only
I brought light, but also darkness
Who am I?

I am the gentle one
The healer
I give the weary rest
And healing to the hurt
I walk by night
The time my loved one
Works his magic spell the most
Who am I?

The moral of my story is
NEVER take a friend to fish
Regardless of his birthday-wish
Who am I?

There is only one
And that one is me
I am ancient
Yet you could not call me old
Age has no meaning for me
It is irrelevant
I do not belong to the world, or the time
I was never born and I will never die
I simply am
I have children though
And they sing to me
Their singing brings me great pleasure
And so do their creations
Who am I?

I was different from the others
I liked to sing my own song
I did not like what I could not have
And most I did was wrong
Who am I?

I am immortal
I am mortal
I am dead at any rate
My brother is immortal
My brother is mortal
He is alive at any rate
My mother is a bird
Gulls will call the elves
My father is a star
Gil Estel, high hope
Who am I?

For many long ages
We guarded the door;
The peace of the days of our youth
Are no more
And the door that was open
To all who were friends
Was sealed and forgotten
Perhaps without end
But again it was opened by one of the few
That came upon errand
To seal the world's doom
But it was our doom also
So the monster did take
Our long lives of wisdom
How easy we break!
Who am I?

I am not a big fan of guests
Or well
Not when they arrive in packs
If you come with claws and try to scratch
Be sure I have the claws to match (yours)
It may be just because I live in a forest dark
I am not too bad at heart
Who am I?

Not all oaths are of evil
For one sworn to my father saved my life
It gave me aid
On a quest that was meant to be impossible
Who am I?

Powerful as I may be
More powerful perhaps is she
They called me wise, they called her witch
I stayed with her until she left
I ruled a forest golden, I ruled a forest green
And then I left the world, and was never ever seen
Who am I?

I am one of many names
I am known to all races
Although for different things
Some see me as a bringer of ill news
Some as a source of great Wisdom
Some as a cause for joy
Some as a cause for fear
They are all right
I am all those things
And even more
Can you guess
Who am I?

He that faced a dragon
Still hid when I came by
For though he was my relative
We did not see eye to eye
I wanted so I waited
And waited all frustrated
But when my time had finally come
I lost more than I had won
Who am I?

One of the first of us all to come
One of the first of us all to go
Yet I came in light
And darkness it was that claimed me
Three sons I left
Yet one was different, in several ways
He left not soon after me, yet not in darkness, but fire
He had changed many things
Some for the better, more for the worse
Who am I?

A friend mightier than I
Persuaded me to stay
While the others of my kind
Were going away
My home is a haven
And water my friend
Still I got a ring of fire
To protect until the end
Who am I?

I am the firstborn, but I survived most of my siblings
None would have thought it
For a long time it was thought I would die before any of them
But a friendship which I did not deserve saved me
I did not lose my life, but I lost much
Later I willingly gave up even more of what was mine
I begged forgiveness, trying to make myself worthy of the friendship I had recieved already
I succeeded although you can never run from your past
And when we finally got our wish
We were no longer worthy
That is when I died
Who am I?

I am the fifth, the forgotten one
The one that stopped, before the others got their fame
But danger still could find me
And it made me lose my name
Who am I?

I raise my children every spring
Watch them grow into adults through summer
Take care of them in their old age in fall
Mourn their deaths in winter

Not all my children die in winter though
Six survive each one until their time comes
When that is no one knows

My youngest son was almost claimed however
But he survived and claimed instead great renown
For achievements much larger than himself

Not all my children are the same
Some of them are flesh and blood
Others survive on sun and water
And live in good tilled earth
Which is where my heart truly lies

The one who won renown and honour won it not alone
He was one of two, he dared the greatest danger and survived
Together they saved us all
Who am I?